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The dimensions work out as:

length = 30 times the square root of 5

breadth = 40 times the square root of 5

check: (30 times sq rt of 5)*(40 times sq rt of 5) = 6000 square units

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Q: The length and breadth of a rectangle is of ratio 3 to 4 The area of a rectangle is 6000 what are the dimensions of the rectangle?
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The length of a rectangle is 18cm and its breadth is 12cm Find the ratio of its length to its breadth?

18/12 = 3 : 2 or 1.5 : 1 or one and a half to one.

Are the dimensions 3 by 1.854 that of a golden rectangle?

Yes. The ratio of its length to width is only 0.0055 percent different from the golden ratio.

What would the dimensions of the new rectangle be if you wanted to reduce a rectangle with a length of 6 and a width of 8 by a ratio of one fourth?

1.5 by 2

What is the area of a rectangle if its width is 5 Cm and sides are in the ratio 2 ration 5?

generally the breadth is considered smaller than the length in a rectangle so if breadth = 5 cm and length = (5*5)/2 = 12.5 cm therefore area = 5 * 12.5 = 62.5 square cm

How can the golden ratio of a recatangle be found?

Suppose you have a rectangle with long side (length) a and short side (breadth) b. Put it next to a square of sides a. This will make a rectangle with length a+b and breadth b.The rectabgles have sides in the Golden Ratio if(a + b)/a = a/b = phi.If you substitute b = 1 in the above ratio, you get phi as the root of a^2 - a - 1 = 0so that phi = [1 +/- sqrt(5)]/2 = 1.6180, approx, {and -0.6180}.

What is the ratio of the width of our national flag to its length?

The length and breadth of our National Flag is in the ratio of 3 : 2.

How do you calculate surface-area-to-volume ratio of a rectangular solid?

The answer depends on what information you have been provided with. If you have only the linear dimensions then it is:2*(1/Length + 1/Breadth + 1/Height)

The dimensions of a smaller rectangle are 3 ft by 9 ft The dimensions of the larger rectangle are 5ft by 11ft Find the ratio of the area of the smaller rectangle to the area of the larger rectangle?


How do you find ratio of two rectangles?

If you are trying to find the ratio of the lengths of two similar rectangles, divide the length of one side of one rectangle by the corresponding side length of the other rectangle. To find the ratio between their volumes, divide the volume of one rectangle by the volume the other rectangle. To find volume, multiply the width of the rectangle by the length of the rectangle.

How do you fine the length in a similar rectangles?

If you are given two similar rectangles, one with all measurements and the other with only one, you first need to find the conversion ratio. Let's call the rectangle that you know everything about, rectangle A, and the other rectangle B. You take the ratio of the side of rectangle B to rectangle A. You then multiply the length of rectangle A by this value, to find the length of rectangle B.

What is a rectangle that has a length of 4 cm and a width of 5 cm?

It's a parallelogram with right angles whose dimensions are in the ratio of 5 to 4 .Its perimeter and area are left as an exercise for the student.

What is a golden rectangle?

A golden rectangle is a rectangle where the ratio of the length of the short side to the length of the long side is proportional to the ratio of the length of the long side to the length of the short side plus the length of the long side. It is said to have the "most pleasing" shape or proportion of any rectangle. The math is like this, with the short side = s and the long side = l : s/l = l/s+l Links can be found below to check facts and learn more. In ratio terms, the Golden Rectangle has a width/height ratio of 1.618/1.