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Var(X) = (1-p)/p^2

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Q: The variance in geometric distribution
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Which distribution function has equal mean and variance?

The exponential distribution and the Poisson distribution.

What is the variance for the uniform random variable?

the variance of the uniform distribution is (a+b)/12

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What is the different between standard normal distribution and normal distribution?

A normal distribution can have any value for its mean and any positive value for its variance. A standard normal distribution has mean 0 and variance 1.

What is the variance of the uniform distribution function?

the variance of the uniform distribution function is 1/12(square of(b-a)) and the mean is 1/2(a+b).

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What are the properties of poisson distribution?

It is a discrete distribution in which the men and variance have the same value.

What properties distinguishes standard normal distribution from other normal distribution?

The normal distribution can have any real number as mean and any positive number as variance. The mean of the standard normal distribution is 0 and its variance is 1.

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Poisson distribution or geometric distribution

Is continuous distribution normal distribution?

le standard normal distribution is a normal distribution who has mean 0 and variance 1

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What is the shape of a z-score distribution?

The standard normal distribution or the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.