Modern scientists link vegetarianism to higher I.Q.'s--Einstein was another vegetarian...
Benjamin Franklin said that being vegetarian gave him a clearer head and quicker comprehension.
The link is that high I.Q. children become vegetarian--knowledge of Eastern religions, knowledge of health issues, concern for animals and environmentalism were among the reasons in the British study referenced in the related link:
Einstein was a vegetarian for the last year of his life and then he died. None of his productive work was done during the time he was a vegetarian. Steven Hawking is not a vegetarian but that is not relevant to whether or not eating meat or not eating meat increases IQ. IQ is also generally determined at a young age and is an inherent trait. Most people of past cultures were not vegetarian and did not raise their children vegetarian as this is a fairly new popular trend. Furthermore what religions believe about increased IQ is a belief and not supported by empirical evidence or peer-reviewed scientific articles. If a person who chooses to become vegetarian of their own free will claims they can think more clearly that could be due to many psychological factors attrtibuted to their conscience and not a biological factor. If studies show that people with a higher IQ are more likely to be a vegetarian this is not a link between vegetarianism and high IQ this just shows that people with a higher IQ tend to look more deeply into their diet. Plus the sample size of this article is too small for any definite claims 200 some odd people is a very small sample size. The only way to make it truly valid is if there was an overall demographic of a large population of vegetarians and non that showed that vegetarians consitently showed a higher IQ. When studies are conducted they are not labeled as fact because they were completed which is why it is important to review the aspects of the sudy i.e. control factors and sample size to determine that the data truly justifies the conclusions. The answer is yes Pythagoras was a vegetarian. Furthermore the initial answer did not answer the question.
Socrates was born after Pythagoras died.
Pythagoras dies before Archimedes was born.
Pythagoras died before Euclid was born.
Pythagoras is not a landscape or a place. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded a cult religion called Pythagoreanism in Ancient Greece.
chickpeas.he was a vegetarian.
He would not eat beans because he was a vegetarian and when he split the beans open he believed there was a tiny human being in the center.
Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism was "an abstainer from meat" who "forbade all animal sacrifice." Many of our greatest thinkers through out history were vegetarian, e.g. Mahatma Gandhi, Pythagoras, Leo Tolstoy, Benjamin Franklin, George Bernard Shaw...the list goes on and on...
Pythagoras was called "Pythagoras of Samos" because he was born in Samos.
Pythagoras of Samos
Yes, Pythagoras died on None
pythagoras made the famous pythagoras theorem and many more....
what qualificationa do pythagoras have.
Pythagoras was Greek.
Pythagoras drowned him.