mascara wand, socket (tool), top of a fingernail bottle, cigarette, marker, ink pen, dowel rod, vacuum cleaner hose, blind on a window, curtain rod, makeup bottle, comet can, bucket, long bolt, barrel of a gun, jar of jelly, roll of paper towels, R2D2, muffler, candle, table leg, cookie tin, roll of caulk, piece of chalk, child's kaleidescope, coke can,
stove pipe, top hat, tv antennae, fluorescent light, alkaseltzer bottle, medicine rx bottle, rolling pin, wrench handle, long bolt, long olive shell, cord off a computer, a stack of cd's, a film can, your finger, toe shoes, ballet case, long beads on a string, spray bath cleaner, perfume bottle, the silver thing in the bottom of your sink, the sink drain stopper, a roll of tape, good luck:):):):)
your mums head look properly
cushions,mirrors,windows,mats and a laptop
Christmas trees, pyramid on the dollar bill, roovws
A 3-dimensional object is ANYTHING with length AND width AND height. a tree a house a chair a person a book a box an ice cube a hill of snow cube
your mums head look properly
cushions,mirrors,windows,mats and a laptop
Table, cool chairs, patterns in your carpets or wallpapers, or playtime blocks for a child.
Common house flies become slow indoors due to lower temperatures and confined conditions. They must more carefully fly around objects to avoid hitting them which slows them down.
Packet of perfume.
you call it an a$$ hole
depends on what bedrock your house sits on.
why was the cylinder shape beam place under their house
Christmas trees, pyramid on the dollar bill, roovws
Some common house spiders in Kansas that homeowners should be aware of include the American house spider, the brown recluse spider, and the common house spider. It's important to be cautious around these spiders as they can potentially be harmful.