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blunt means dull or rounded, for example: "A knife has a sharp end and a blunt end ."

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Q: What does blunt means in angle?
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How do you draw a blunt angle?

how to draw a blunt angle

Is a right angle bigger than a blunt angle?

I have never come across the term "blunt" angle. The rays of an angle always meet at a point and there is no rounding of these rays so the only interpretation that I can put on a blunt angle is that it is an obtuse angle. IF that is the case, (and sorry if I have misunderstood), then a right angle is smaller.

Is a blunt angle the same as a cute angle?

No, a cute angle is far more adorable

What is a blunt and sharp angle?

A sharp angle is a one to eighty nine degree angle . A blunt angle is a ninety one degrees to three hundred and sixty degree angle.

What does blunt mean?

Blunt means not noticing what is around you. Blunt means not sharp,(dull). Also a marijuana cigar.

What is a blunt angle?

A blunt angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. In geometric terms, it is an angle that is obtuse but not a straight angle. Visually, a blunt angle would appear wider than a right angle but not a full straight line.

What angle is a 90 degree blunt angle is it an acute angle or a right angle?

A 90 degree angle is a right angle but an acute angle is less than 90 but greater than 0 degrees.

What is an angle called that is between 90 and 180 degrees?

OBTUSE ; The word obtuse means 'blunt'. ACUTE ; is an angle between '0' and 90 degrees. The word 'acute' means sharp'. The third type of angle is REFLEX , which is an angle between 180 degrees and 360 degrees. The word 'reflex' means ' turned over' or 'turned aginst'. NB For any given point with two lines radiating from the point, the smaller angle can be either acute or obtuse, but the outside angle is always 'REFLEX'.

What is the difference between a sharp angle and blunt angle?

Sharp mean Acute abgle (less than 90) and Lunt mean Obtuse angle between 90~180) Raza Hassan

What will most commonly blunt the costophrenic angle as seen on chest radiograph in an upright individual?

excess fluids

What does it mean if someone says your blunt?

Blunt means that you are rough; straight to the point. You aren't nice about it, you just tell them the truth.

What does bursque mean?

Bursque means blunt or abrupt in manner