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"No congruent sides" means: a polygon or prism that has no two sides that are exactly alike.

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Q: What does no congruent sides mean?
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When two shapes are similar does that mean they have the same amount of sides?

No, it means they have either 2 sides and 1 angle congruent, 2 angles congruent, 2 angles and a side congruent, or 3 sides congruent.

What Does 4 congruent sides mean?

Four sides of the same size.

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If two opposite sides are congruent in length and direction then they are parallel sides. THat would mean the other two sides are congruent making 4 parallel sides or a parallelogram

What does SAA triangle mean?

Two pairs of congruent angles and one pair of congruent sides ( sides not between the pairs of angles ).

What closed 4- sided figure has 4 right angles and 4 pairs of congruent sides?

I assume you mean 4 congruent sides or 2 pairs of congruent sides.. (There are no 4-sided figures with 8 sides.) A square.

Does a rectangle have all congruent sides?

No, rectangles do not have congruent sides. Squares have congruent sides.

Are all sides congruent in a square?

Yes. This is because: Since the opposite sides are congruent, that would mean 2 sides are congruent with the others and 2 more sides are also. This takes up all four sides, which makes all of the sides congruent in the square. If you still do not get it, follow up on and it will give you explanations on why. -Savanna :D

Is a parallelogram with congruent sides a square?

No. If you made a parallelogram with congruent sides it wouldn't necessarily have congruent angles. A square has to have congruent angles as well as congruent sides.

Do trapezoids have opposite congruent angles?

If you mean on opposite sides yes. There are 2 pairs of congruent angles.

Can a quadrilateral with all congruent sides have no right angles?

Yes. It is still a quadrilateral as long as it still has four sides, and they can be congruent if all of the sides are equal. It does not mean that All of the angles have to be right.

What are the sides of a cube that has six congruent sides?

Every cube has six congruent sides. If it doesn't have six congruent sides, then it's not a cube.

How many congruent sides are in a triangle?

It has 2 congruent sides