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Q: What is a fold shaped like a right side up bowl?
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A fold shaped like an upside-down bowl is a?

an anticline. It is a type of fold in rock layers where the oldest rocks are in the center and the youngest rocks are on the outside. This type of fold is created by compression forces in the Earth's crust.

When a fold is shaped like an arch with the fold in a upward direction it is?


When a fold is shaped like an arch with the fold is an upward direction it is?


how do i dust a bowl?

No the dust bowl was not shaped like a bowl

A fold shaped like an elongate trough?


Was the dust bowl really the shape of a bowl?

No the dust bowl was not shaped like a bowl.

When a fold is shaped like an arch it is called?

folded mountain

When a fold is shaped like an arch with the fold in an upward direction is called a?

In Geology this would be called an anticline.

The island of Ireland is shaped like?

a huge bowl

Is a earth a ball or an oval?

ball shaped like a bowl

What does Aladdin's hair look like?

Black, bowl-shaped and waving.

Large crescent-shaped fold in dura mater that separates right and left cerebellar hemispheres'?

The structure you are referring to is the falx cerebelli. It is a tent-like fold of the dura mater that lies between the cerebellar hemispheres and helps to stabilize and protect the brain.