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A line that you draw but cant be very well seen.

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Q: What is hidden line?
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What does hidden line mean?

A hidden line is a line that cannot be seen.

If a center line and a hidden line coincide with one another which line is drawn?

The hidden line is drawn, however, the edges of the center line can still be seen ( the center line ends up appearing as extra long dashes on either side of the end of the hidden line)

What is the definition for hidden line?

it is a line that is not visible but it is there it is like air

Which wallets have hidden components?

Ralph Lauren has a line of wallets that have secret hidden components sewed into them.

In Engineering drawing when the center line and the hidden lines lie on the same line which would be given priority?

On engineering drawings, the priority hierachy is object line, hidden line, center line. A centerline can be drawn extending beyond the physical edges of the part, a hidden line cannot. The hidden line (equally spaced short dashes) is drawn on the part instead of the centerline (alternating long dash, short dash, long dash)when the two lines are stacked in a view. If an object line, hidden line and center line are stacked in a view, the object line takes priority and is shown on the drawing. The centerline in both instances can be shown extending beyond the part edges for clarity.

What is th definition for hidden lines?

the line which is not seen

What is meant by precedence of lines?

This phrase is used when obtaining orthographic views. It is common for one type of line to overlap another. For instance, a continuous line might be in the same location as a hidden line. For this reason, there is an order of precedence in terms of drawing conventions and standards. Typically the continuous line will have greater value or will "take precedence" over the hidden line, while the hidden line will take precedence over the centerline.

Definition hidden line?

Hidden lines are broken lines that indicate the lines not seen in a certain perspective.

What is a hidden line?

line used to show interior detail that isn't visible from the outside part.

What do use a broken line for when drawing an elevation?

Hidden edges

A type of line is used on a drawingdesigned to represent hidden details?

The short dotted lines are the type of lines on a drawing that are designed to represent the hidden details.

What is hidden line surface?

In 3D computer graphics, hidden surface determination (also known as hidden surface removal (HSR), occlusion culling (OC) or visible surface determination (VSD)) is the process used to determine which surfaces and parts of surfaces are not visible from a certain viewpoint. A hidden surface determination algorithm is a solution to the visibility problem, which was one of the first major problems in the field of 3D computer graphics. The process of hidden surface determination is sometimes called hiding, and such an algorithm is sometimes called a hider. The analogue for line rendering is hidden line removal. Hidden surface determination is necessary to render an image correctly, so that one cannot look through walls in virtual reality.