According to Wikipedia - the area of Bangalore is 274 square miles (or 709 square kilometres)
Total area of 342,239 km²
14.357 km²
The surface area of Mars is approximately 144,798,500 square kilometers. The equatorial radius is about 3,396 km and the polar radius is 3,376 km.
Uruguay is 176,215 km²
1 square kilometer equals 10,000,000,000 square centimeters. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversions of area (surface) units".
Bangalore covers an area of approximately 741 square kilometers.
Bangalore covers an area of 21,318 square miles.
Belgium's area is 11,800 square miles (30,500 square kilometers).
An area of 0.00776 km square equates to 7,760 square meters.
The area of Honduras in km is 112,492 km²
A mile is not a measure of an area so, as asked, the question has no answer. Unfortunately, 150 km squared is ambiguous since it could refer to an area of 150 square kilometres (say 10 km by 15 km) OR an area of the square with sides of 150 km. 150 square km = 57.92 square miles 150 km square = 22500 square km = 8687.3 sq miles = 93.21 miles square.
about 30.2 million km square
"1 km" is a distance. It has no area.1 square km = 10,763,910 square feet (rounded)
It is 385,203 km²
The area of square is : 64.0
km is a measurement of length, while a square km is a unit of area.
The area of Perth is approximately 5,386 square kilometers.