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Look at the statement If 9 is an odd number, then 9 is divisible by 2. The first part is true and second part is false so logically the statement is false. The contrapositive is: If 9 is not divisible by 2, then 9 is not an odd number. The first part is true, the second part is false so the statement is true. Now the converse of the contrapositive If 9 is not an odd number, then 9 is not divisible by two. The first part is false and the second part is true so it is false. The original statement is if p then q,the contrapositive is if not q then not p and the converse of that is if not p then not q

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Q: What is the converse of the contrapositive of a statement?
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What is converse inverse and contrapositive?

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Inverse Converse contrapositive?

The inverse of a conditional statement switches the hypothesis and conclusion. The converse of a conditional statement switches the hypothesis and conclusion. The contrapositive of a conditional statement switches and negates the hypothesis and conclusion.

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A conditional statement is true if, and only if, its contrapositive is true.

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The converse of an inverse is the contrapositive, which is logically equivalent to the original conditional.

Is The inverse is the negation of the converse?

No, the inverse is not the negation of the converse. Actually, that is contrapositive you are referring to. The inverse is the negation of the conditional statement. For instance:P → Q~P → ~Q where ~ is the negation symbol of the sentence symbols.

What is a contra positive statement?

Conditional statements are also called "if-then" statements.One example: "If it snows, then they cancel school."The converse of that statement is "If they cancel school, then it snows."The inverse of that statement is "If it does not snow, then they do not cancel school.The contrapositive combines the two: "If they do not cancel school, then it does not snow."In mathematics:Statement: If p, then q.Converse: If q, then p.Inverse: If not p, then not q.Contrapositive: If not q, then not p.If the statement is true, then the contrapositive is also logically true. If the converse is true, then the inverse is also logically true.

Is a contrapositive statement true?

If a conditional statement is true, then so is its contrapositive. (And if its contrapositive is not true, then the statement is not true).

What Statements that have the same truth value?

conditional and contrapositive + converse and inverse

What is the inverse of the contrapositive of the converse?

This would be logically equivalent to the conditional you started with.

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if then form: if you can do it, then we can help converse: if we help, then you can do it. inverse: if you cant do it, then we cant help contrapositive: if we cant help, then you cant do it.

When you change the truth value of a given conditional statement?

by switching the truth values of the hypothesis and conclusion, it is called the contrapositive of the original statement. The contrapositive of a true conditional statement will also be true, while the contrapositive of a false conditional statement will also be false.