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the surface area of the trapezoid =(h/2)*(b1+b2) the unit is cm2

* * * * *

Not particularly helpful when h, b1 and b2 are undefined. And not even true if these lengths are measured in inches!

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If a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides and h is the perpendicular distance between them, then Area = (a + b)*h/2 measure in appropriate square units.

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Q: What is the formula to work out the surface area of a trapezoid?
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How can you find the area of a composite figures trapezoid with a triangle?

A trapezoid has 2 inner triangles and so work out the area of each triangle then add them together. Alternatively use the formula for area of a trapezoid which is:- 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

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A quadrilateral does not have a surface area because it is not a voluminous figure.

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The formula for the area of a parallelogram is: base*perpendicular height = area and in this case it is 18,532 square meters. But it's interesting to note that the formula for the area of a trapezoid will work out perfectly well for the area of any quadrilateral that has parallel sides. For instance insert the dimensions of the parallelogram in question into the trapezoid formula: 1/2*(226+226)*82 = 18,532 square meters.

Can any side of a trapezoid can be called a base?

The two parallel sides are called the bases, and the two non-parallel sides are the legs. If you call any other pair of sides the bases, the formula for the area of the trapezoid will no longer work.

How do you find the area of a compound figure with there is a trapezoid and a rectangle?

Work out each figure separately then add them together: Area of a trapezoid = 0.5*(sum of parallel bases)*height Area of a rectangle = length*height

Formula to work out the surface area of any object?

Calculus can be used to find the surface area of any object given that you know the equation describing said object. It's usually easier to find the area from experiment or through using a combination of existing models to approximate the surface area

How do you work out the surface area of a sphere shape?

The area of a sphere is equal to its circumference times its diameter.There are a variety of ways to work out this formula, most of them involving calculus.(See the links for the volume of a sphere).

How does surface area work?

It would help if the question was less obscure. What do you mean by "work"? How the surface area affects chemical processes (for example the surface area of catalysts), or diffusion, or surface areas and friction?

Why does the formula for area of a circle work?

It says so in the formula

What is the formula to work out the area of a parrallegram?

Area = base*height

How do you prove the formula for the area of a rectangle?

The formula for the area of a rectangle is length x breadth. In order to prove this works, work out an area of a rectangle using that formula.

What is the math formula used to calculate work?

the math used 2 calculate wrk iz 2hw+2hl+2wl=surface area 4 rectagular prism