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-Geometry Student from TX
3 coplanar points may or may not be collinear. 3 collinear points must be coplanar.
Three balls on a table are three coplanar points.
Definition of Coplanar points: Coplanar means that the points are on the equal plane. Plane is a two-dimensional object, with as such is a bit more complicated.Collinear,line,plane and point are the related terms of coplanar.Points that are on the same plane. 2 points are alwayscoplanar...3 points are always coplanar...4 points are sometimes coplanar.
Yes. Any two points are always coplanar.
Individual points on one side of the cube are coplanar. Points on one side might not nessasarily be coplanar with points on another side. The corners of a cube are exactly coplanar to three planes, but not all planes of the cube. In fact, no point on the cube is coplanar to all other points on the cube.
The greatest number of intersection points with just four lines is 6.
The greatest number is six.
6*5/2 = 15.
100*99/2 = 4950
They need not be. The four vertices of a quadrilateral are coplanar but NOT collinear. On the other hand, any line (in Eucledian geometry) has an infinite number of points on it - all of which are coplanar.
non-coplanar points
Coplanar Points are points that lie on the same line.
3 coplanar points may or may not be collinear. 3 collinear points must be coplanar.
Points that are coplanar are on the same plane.
coplanar are points that lie on the same plane meanwhile non coplanar are points that don't lie on the same plane.
No, they always are From Wikipedia.org, "The World's Encyclopedia" when I searched coplanar In geometry, a set of points in space is coplanar if the points all lie in the same geometric plane. For example, three distinct points are always coplanar; but four points in space are usually not coplanar. Since 3 points are always coplanar. A point and line are always coplanar