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Q: What is the measure of ab in o below?
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What blood type can donate donate to all blood?

Ab+ universal receiver o- universal donor blood types: can donate to: can receive from: ab+: ab+: ab+ ab- a+ a- b+ b- o+ o- ab-: ab+ ab-: ab- b- a- o- a+: a+ ab+: a+ a- o+ o- a-: a+ a- ab+ ab-: a- o- b+: b+ ab+: b+ b- o+ o- b-: b- b+ ab- ab+: b- o- 0+: o+ a+ b+ ab+: o- o+ o-: o+ o- a+ a- b+ b- ab+ ab-: o-

Given o below is ab a minor arc a major arc or a semicircle?


What each letter blood?

The types of blood include: A, B, AB, and O. (A-, A+, B-, B+, AB-, AB+, O-, O+)

Does your blood type effect you in any way?

i would not think so but if you transfer your blood to someone els with an incompatible blood type it could kill them.Donor O-, Recipient compatible with any type.Donor O+, Recipient compatible with O+, A+, B+, AB+; incompatible with O-, A-, B-, AB-.Donor A-, Recipient compatible with A-, A+, AB-, AB+; incompatible with O-, O+, B-, B+.Donor A+, Recipient compatible with A+, AB+; incompatible with O-, O+, A-, B-, B+, AB-.Donor AB-, Recipient compatible with AB-, AB+ onlyDonor AB+, Recipient compatible wit AB+ only.

What types of blood are there?

o+,o-,a+, a-,b-, b+,ab+, ab-

What are the 8 blood types?

AB+ AB- A+ A- B+ B- O+ O-

Universal blood recipient?

If you are AB positive (AB+ is universal receiver for positive blood group) then you can receive blood from A+, B+ & O+ & if you are AB negative then you cn receive blood from A-, B- & O-.

How many types of human blood are there?

There are ten, in order from most common to most rare: O+ O- A+ A- B+ B- AB+ AB-. O+ is the most common with AB- being the rarest

Groups of blood?

Blood types/groupsA+, A-B+, B-AB+, AB-O+, O-

What are some of the blood types?

O+ O- A+ A- B+ B- AB+ AB- That's all of them

What can AB blood donate to?

Well for starters we would have to see what RH group you are in you see AB+ can receive blood from people that are A+ A- B+ B- O+ O- AB+ AB- but can only give to people that are AB+.If you are AB- you can receive from blood types A- B- O- and AB- but you can give to people that are AB+ and AB-.

Can parents with O positive have a child with AB blood type?

No. Nor can someone with AB have a child with O.