Well, honey, that's called a quadrilateral. It's a fancy way of saying a shape with four sides. So, when you slap two triangles together, you get yourself a nice little quadrilateral. Keep on slayin' those math problems, darling.
i dont know the name of two triangles put together because stupid wiki answers never answer my question. they always give me a whole different thing. dont ever come on wiki answers they give you everything wrong!!!!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>
I can always divide a rectangle into 2 triangles. Alas, putting 2 triangles together does not always produce a rectangle. Sometimes it makes a rhombus or kite or some other quadrilateral.
The will form a rectangle.
can two triangles put together make a square
Three triangles.
yes a square
7 lines put together
if you put 3 triangles together you get a bigger triangle.
The will form a rectangle.
can two triangles put together make a square
Three triangles.
a rectangle
three triangles, and 1 square+2 triangles
They will form a 4 sided quadrilateral if the triangles are the same sizes.
yes because a polygon is just un even lines put together by others!
If you put two triangles together, you can make a quadrilateral. A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four angles. By combining two triangles, you are essentially creating a shape with four sides instead of three.
A square already has 2 right angle triangles within it