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three triangles, and 1 square+2 triangles

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Q: What figures can be put together to make a trapezoid?
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How do you make a triangle and trapezoid out of a square?

To make a triangle, cut it on its diagonal and put two opposite legs together. you cannot make a trapezoid without two squares, where you do the same thing as the triangle but put the second square in between.

What three shapes can be put together to make a trapezoid?

Three triangles.

What new shape do you get when you put a trapezoid and a triangle together?

a larger triangle, a larger trapezoid, it depends where and how it's placed.

How can you combine a trapezoid and a rhombus pattern block?

put it together anyway

How can you combine a parallelogram and a trapezoid?

A trapezoid is pretty much just a parallelogram with a little triangle cut off, so if you think of that you can put them together

How can you make a 6 sided hape with a trapezoid and triangle?

put the triangle so that one of the sides is against the long side of the trapezoid.

How do you make a critter out of three triangles a square and a trapezoid?

put the triangles upside own under neathe the square the make the trapezoid the head the last triangles the ears

What shape do you get if you put together a rectangle and a triangle?

If you put together a rectangle and a triangle, the resulting shape is called a trapezoid. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides. In this case, the rectangle contributes two parallel sides, while the triangle contributes the other two non-parallel sides. The combination of these two shapes creates a unique geometric figure known as a trapezoid.

How can you make a 6 sided shape with a trapezoid and triangle?

1. put the trapezoid with the long side up. 2. put the triangle on the very tip near one of the slanted sides 3. count. -me (one directions biggest girl fan)

What can a triangle and a trapezoid be combined to make?

A big triangle if you put the triangle on the trapezoid's short parallel side, or a parallelogram if you put it on one of the trapezoid's ends. In both cases the triangle must be exactly the right shape and size or you will only have an irregular quadrilateral, pentagon, or hexagon. (Placing an appropriately-sized triangle on the long parallel side will also yield a pentagon - likely irregular.) Additionally, if a vertex of the triangle touches the trapezoid it can also make an irregular concave heptagon!

Can any two triangles put together make a square or a rectangle?

can two triangles put together make a square

How are a rhombus and trapezoid the same?

they have the same number of sides and if u put the rhombus down its would look like a trapezoid