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Q: What is the width if the perimeter is 26.8 and the length is 8.7?
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The perimeter of a rectangle is 218 inches The length exceeds the width by 87 inches Find the length?

Half perimeter = 109. Subtract 87 and half the answer 22/2 = 11, this is the width. Add on the 87 giving 98, this is the length.

A rectangular field has a perimeter of 174 meters the length of the field is 9 meters more than twice the width what are the dimensions?

L + W = 87. L = 2W + 9 so (2W + 9) + W = 87 ie 3W = 78 so Width is 26 m and Length is 61 m.

The length of a rectangle is 3 ft more than twice its width and the perimeter of the playing field is 258 ft Find the dimensions of the playing field?

Let the length be 2x+3 and the width be x: So: 2*(2x+3+x) = 258 => x = 42 feet Therefore: length = 87 feet and width = 42 feet Check: 2*(87+42) = 256 feet

A certain rectangle has a width that is half the difference of the length and 6 cm If the Perimeter of the rectangle is 87 cm what is the length and width of the rectangle?

Algebra works great here. Let's use three variables: P for perimeter, L for length and W for width. Then we can rewrite the above in terms of math:W = (1/2)(L - 6)

How do you find the width from a area of 87 18?

You cannot find the width or length if all you know is the area. But your question gave the answer: The width is 18.

What is the area in square millimeters of a rectangle with a width of 8.7 centimeters and a length of 9.3 centimeters?

The area of a rectangle is length times width.The problem gives the length and width and centimeters , so to get millimeters, multiply by ten. The length is 93 millimeters and the width is 87 millimeters.The area is then (93 mm)*(87 mm) which is 8091 square millimeters.

The perimeter of a rectangular playing field measures 504 yards Its length is 9 yards shorter than twice its width Find the area?

14355 yds2 Let l represent the length and w the width. Perimeter equals 2*l+2*w. From the information in the problem, we have two equations and two unknowns: 2l+2w=504 l=2w-9 Substitute l from the second equation into the first equation and solve for w: 2(2w-9)+2w=504 4w-18+2w=504 6w-18=504 6w=522 w=522/6=87 Now, substitue w=87 into the second equation above to find l: l=2*87-9=165 With the length and width determined, we can find the area: Area = l*w=165*87=14355 yds2

What is the width of rectangle with an area of 40 and length of 10 plus square root of 13?

Area = Length*Width so Width = Area/Length = 40/[10+sqrt(13)] = 40*[10-sqrt(13)] / [10+sqrt(13)][10-sqrt(13)]= [400 - 40*sqrt(13)] / [100 - 13]= 400/87 - 40*sqrt(13)/87= 40/87*[10 - sqrt(13)]= 2.94 approx.

What is the perimeter of the Berlin Wall?

87 miles

What is 87 in measuring width?

It means it measures 87 units across.

How many square yards are in a square lot 87 feet wide?

To find the area of a square lot, we do the same thing as we would for a rectangular lot. With a rectantular lot, it's length times width. With a square lot (a square being a special case of a rectangle where the length equals the width), we just multiply one side by another side. Another way to say that is that we square a side to find the area of a square. In this case, 87 feet x 87 feet = 87 feet2 = 7569 square feet (or ft2).

The width of a desk is 87 centimetrse What is the width of the desk to the nearest ten centimetres?

90 cm