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Q: What solid figure would you get if you cut a cube?
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What solid figure would you get if you cut a cube in half?

If you were to cut a cube in half along any plane passing through its center, you would get two equal halves of a cube. Each half would still have the shape of a cube with the same dimensions, just split into two separate pieces. The resulting solid figures would be two smaller cubes.

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What solid figure would you get if you cut a rectangle in half?

If you cut a rectangle in half you wouldn't get a solid figure at all, since a rectangle is a plane figure. If you made a straight line cut you would get either a triangle or a quadrilateral of some variety depending on exactly how the cut was made.

What solid figure would you get if you cut a cylinder in half?

Another cylinder

What solid figure would you get if you cut a fence post in half?

A rectangular prism or a cuboid.

Would the density of a cube change if the cube was cut into pieces?

No. Each piece of the cube would have the same density.

What solid figure you would get if you cut a cylinder into two?

Another cylinder if you dissect it horizontally. In other cases, the name is unknown.

If a wooden cube is cut in half and painte red what would this be?

It would be a wooden cube that has been cut in half and painted red.

If you cut a cube parallel to the base what would it be?

It would be a rectangular prism.

How can you cut a cross section from a cube to make it a triangle?

You would cut off a corner.

When a cube is cut in half what shapes would it create?


How do you find the volume of a irregular solid?

you cut it into regular solids then figure out those then add them together