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A triangle based prismoid and a quadrilateral based pyramid.

A prismoid is like a prism except that its bases (the triangular faces) need not be congruent nor parallel.

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Q: What two polyhedra have five faces?
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What shape has five sides and five faces?

A side is the same thing as a face. A quadrilateral based pyramid or triangular prism are the two possible polyhedra.

What are similarities for a rectangular pyramid and triangular prism?

They are both polyhedra with five faces.

What are the faces on a polyhedra called?

They are called "faces".

For what polyhedra does Euler's formula Faces plus vertices equals edges plus two apply?

It applies to simply connected convex polyhedra.

What kind of polyhedra has more faces than vertices?

Bipyramids are a class of polyhedra with more faces than vertices.

What shapes have identicle faces?

Regular polyhedra have identical faces.

What shape has two opposite identical faces?

A cube, a dodecahedron, an icosahedron amongst regular polyhedra. Many irregular polyhedra, including a prism.

How a triangular prism and a pyramid are alike?

They are both polyhedra. They have traingular bases. They have at most five faces. They have at most six vertices.

Is a polyhedron with two parallel congruent faces?

There are infinitely many such polyhedra. A regular dodecahedron, for example.

How are rectangular prism and triangular prism alike?

They are polyhedra, with several rectangular faces, and with two identical and parallel bases.

How are triangular prism and rectangular prism alike?

They are polyhedra, with several rectangular faces, and with two identical and parallel bases.

What are the five regular polyhedra?

The five regular polyhedra are Tetrahedron, Hexahedron(cube), octahedron, dodecahedron and Icosahedron.