need a simple explanation of Euclids theory.
The thirteenth book in Euclids Elements has no specific title, but covers the Pythagorean proofs of Theaetetus (c. 417-369 bc) and the construction of the five regular Platonic solids (pyramid, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron) inside a given sphere.
His mathematical books called Elements. His work on geometry, particularly his famous axioms.
he likes madridistas and dislikes Barcelona fans
Your honest answers about your likes and dislikes.
the likes are that they are funny, hot, sesky and sweet, the dislikes are there is no dislikes about they are fabulous!!!
Likes = being emo Dislikes = life
I personally do share common likes and dislikes with my mom and dad but as I get older I have less and less commonly shared likes and dislikes
Likes her songs and listening to music and dislikes people who are disrespectful
He likes the blues, fishing and hunting and dislikes drugs, alcohol and tobacco
He likes running and dislikes eating Junk food!
likes: photography, writing, and acting. dislikes: smoking
likes baseball
Likes: Dislikes:-corned beef -rhubarb-books -awards-scoring goals -sties
He dislikes small-mindedness, complications and drama.He likes chicken curry with rice and citrus scent.