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When you have three collinear points there is one gradient. I'm not sure what your question is specifically but when points are collinear they have the same gradient.

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Q: When you have three collinear points there is exactly one?
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How many planes will contain three non-collinear points?

Exactly one.

How many planes can you draw through three non-collinear points?

Exactly one.

Through any three points there is exactly one plane cointaining them?

I think you mean: Are any three points contained in exactly one plane? only if they're not collinear... I think

How many non-collinear points are there in one plane?

There are an infinite number of any kind of points in any plane. But once you have three ( 3 ) non-collinear points, you know exactly which plane they're in, because there's no other plane that contains the same three non-collinear points.

How many different planes are determined by three noncollinear points?

3 non-collinear points define one plane.

How many circles can passes through three non-collinear points?

Exactly one. No more and no less.

How many different lines are determined by three collinear points?

As long as at least two of them are different points, exactly one line.

Do 3 non collinear points lie in at least one plane?

Three non-collinear points always define exactly one and only one plane. That's why a 3-legged table or chair never wobbles.

What is the definition of non collinear lines?

The definition of a non-collinear line is that this is a line on which points do not lie on one line. The opposite of this is a collinear point. Collinear points refer to three points that do fall on a straight line.

How many planes can be passed through three points?

Only one if they are non-collinear. An infinite number if they are collinear.