q p r s t u v w x y z are the alphabets for logic branch of mathematics in fact logic and geometry help each other a lot
Converse: If p r then p q and q rContrapositive: If not p r then not (p q and q r) = If not p r then not p q or not q r Inverse: If not p q and q r then not p r = If not p q or not q r then not p r
Not sure I can do a table here but: P True, Q True then P -> Q True P True, Q False then P -> Q False P False, Q True then P -> Q True P False, Q False then P -> Q True It is the same as not(P) OR Q
P . . Q . . (P or Q)0 . . 0 . . . 00 . . 1 . . . 11 . . 0 . . . 11 . . 1 . . . 1=================P . . Q . . NOT(P and Q)0 . . 0 . . . . 10 . . 1 . . . . 11 . . 0 . . . . 11 . . 1 . . . . 0
It is an if and only if (often shortened to iff) is usually written as p <=> q. This is also known as Equivalence. If you have a conditional p => q and it's converse q => p we can then connect them with an & we have: p => q & q => p. So, in essence, Equivalence is just a shortened version of p => q & q => p .
Law of Detachment states if p→q is true and p is true, then q must be true. p→q p therefore, q Ex: If Charlie is a sophomore (p), then he takes Geometry(q). Charlie is a sophomore (p). Conclusion: Charlie takes Geometry(q).
A conditional statement is much like the transitive property in geometry, meaning if: P>Q and ~N>P then you can conclude: if ~N>Q
It in Math, (Geometry) If p implies q is a true conditional statement and not q is true, then not p is true.
sylogism is a law of geometry that states that ifp implies q and q implies r then p implies rhope this is what you were looking for :-)
the saying "Mind your p's and q's" is referring to using your manners. The 'p' stands for Please and the 'q' stands for Thank you (thanque)
in geometry symbolic notation is when you substitute symbols for words. For example let your hypothesis= p and let your conclusion = q. You would write your biconditional as p if and only if q
Law of Syllogism If p->q and q->r are true conditionals, then p -> r is also true. (P)If people live in Manhattan, (q) then they live in New York. (q)If people live in New York, (r) then they live in the United States. Law of Detachment IF p-> q is a true conditional and p is true, then q is true. If you break an item in a store, you must pay for it. (P) Jill broke a vase in Potter's Gift Shop. (q) Jill must pay for the vase.
Converse: If p r then p q and q rContrapositive: If not p r then not (p q and q r) = If not p r then not p q or not q r Inverse: If not p q and q r then not p r = If not p q or not q r then not p r
The sum of p and q means (p+q). The difference of p and q means (p-q).
Not sure I can do a table here but: P True, Q True then P -> Q True P True, Q False then P -> Q False P False, Q True then P -> Q True P False, Q False then P -> Q True It is the same as not(P) OR Q
q + p