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Depends on whether you want to measure the length (drive along it), its width (surveying equipment or large tape measure), depth of tarmac or concrete (drill samples), evenness, water dispersal or any of the host of other measures.

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Q: How would you measure a road?
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It measure 500000 centimetres.

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Would you measure distance in kilometer or meter?

road distances in km. measurements in metres or even smaller

Can kilometers measure a road?

By which you mean the length of a road? Sure, why not?

What would you use to measure from the school fence to the road?

You could use a long tape measure or a laser measure device.You could use a long tape measure or a laser measure device.

What are 5 things you can measure in meters?

Length of my room Width of my road Length of a swimming pool Height of Mt Everest (not that I would measure it!) Depth of the local lake.

If you were measuring the length of a road to savnnah to statesboro what metric mesurement would you use?

You would use kilometers to measure the distance from Savannah to Statesboro.

Which unit would you use to measure the width of a street?

You would use feet or yards to measure the width of a street.

Instrument used to measure roughness of road?

One instrument used to measure roughness of roads is the response type road roughness meters (RTRRMs)

Name a distance you would measure in kilometers?

Distances on the road, or very large parcels of land. Probably the distance from the earth to the moon.

What SI unit would be most accurate to portray the width of a two lane road in twenty units Considering a normal two lane road is between twenty-two and twenty-four feet?

I would measure that in meters. IT isn't clear what you mean with "twenty units".

Does Saudi Arabia use miles or kilometers as a road measure?
