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Most of them, actually. Hero of Alexandria developed a steam-powered rotary engine, built a vacuum pump and wrote volumes on engineering, physics and hydraulics. Archimedes developed the principle of displacement, and wrote of a giant mirror that might be used to set wooden ships on fire by focusing sunlight onto the ship.

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Q: What Greek mathematician was one of the first to study conics and apply them to Greek astronomy?
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What are some of contributions of Thales of miletus to geography?

Thales of Miletus was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher considered by many (even Aristotle) to be the first philosopher from the Greek tradition. In terms of the field of mathematics, Thales is known for being the first to apply deductive reasoning to geometry.

Did the Romans adopt many aspects of Greek culture and apply it to their own?

Art and architecture.

How does the concept of hubris from Greek tragedy apply to the peloponnesian?

Would you like to clarify who or what is 'the peloponnesian'? We can't answer a question unless it is understandable.

How did the greek city-states apply democracy?

It gave all power to the adult male citizens who met fortnightly in assembly to make laws and direct a council to carry out its wishes.

What did the Hindus and the Arabs contribute to the field of trigonometry?

In India, the Hindus made further advances during and after the fifth century. These advances included the construction of some early trigonometric tables and, more important, the invention of a new numbering system that made calculating much simpler. Hindu mathematicians based their version of trigonometry on variants of the sine function. The Hindu system led not only to the sine function, but to the cosine, tangent, and other familiar trigonometric functions we use today.During their centuries of contact with the Greeks and Hindus, Arabic mathematicians adopted many of their mathematical discoveries. Among prominent Arabic mathematicians who helped translate Hindu mathematical texts or introduced Hindu mathematics to the Arabs were al-Battani (c. 850-929), Abu al-Wafa (940-998), and al-Biruni (973-?). Al-Battani adapted Greek trigonometry and astronomical observations to make them more useful. Al-Biruni was among the first to use the sine function in astronomy and geography, and Abu al-Wafa helped apply spherical trigonometry to astronomy, among other important contributions.

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Karl Pearson

What is a mathematician?

A mathematician is a person whose primary area of study and research is the field of mathematics. People who apply mathematics to other field, but do not contribute directly to mathematical, are generally not considered mathematician.

When was the Greek God of War born?

Our chronology does not apply to the Greek mythology.

What century was Proserpina born?

Our chronology does not apply to the Greek myths.

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Some Greek pet names for couples - mostly those that apply to girls are Chloe, Aurora and Anna.

What are some of contributions of Thales of miletus to geography?

Thales of Miletus was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher considered by many (even Aristotle) to be the first philosopher from the Greek tradition. In terms of the field of mathematics, Thales is known for being the first to apply deductive reasoning to geometry.

When did Apollo the greek god have his first child?

You can not apply dates to mythic events.

Did the Romans adopt many aspects of Greek culture and apply it to their own?

Art and architecture.

How did greek city state apply democracy how did they limit democracy?

they helped each other

How did Greek city-states apply democracy how did they limit democracy?

they helped each other

How did the Greek apply the Iliad and the Odyssey in everyday life?

They follow the writing styles of famous poets.

What shape does pythagorean apply to?

The Pythagorean theorem applies to right-angled triangles. It states that the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.