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Once upon a time a really fat dude was taking a bath and in the bath he realized how light he was in water. So he thought he was some genius and ran around the streets naked saying "I found it!" but in greek. So then everyone went crazy and thought a bath tub was some new type of weight loss program, but they got fat again when they got out, they got mad and killed Archimedes. No one ever used the bath tub as a weight loss program again, because people were scared to run around the town like some idiotic nudists. The end.

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Q: What did Archimedes find out about floating sinking and density?
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When did Archimedes find volume?


How Archimedes discovered the density?

Archimedes discovered density by sitting in a bath full of water, and realized the water that spilled out was how much space he took up in the bath. How many liters that spilled out was how many liters Archimedes took up in the world. As legend has it, when he found this out he ran into the street - naked - shouting "Eureka!" which means, in Greek, "I've found it!" He was shouting "Eureka" because the king asked him to find out if his crown was all gold or did the goldsmith take some gold and used silver instead.

What did Archimedes accomplish?

Archimedes was considered one of the best arithmeticians ever to have lived. He perfected a method of integration which allowed him to find areas, volumes, surface areas, and centers of mass of many geometrical objects.

Why did Archimedes said eureka when he discovered his principle?

Eureka!According to legend, Greek mathematician and engineer Archimedes shouted "Eureka" (Greek: "I have found it") when he discovered a way to calculate the volume of an irregular solid by submerging it in water and measuring the volume of water it displaced. This led to further discoveries involving density and buoyancy. In physics, buoyancy is the upward force on an object produced by the surrounding fluid (i.e., a liquid or a gas) in which the object is fully or partially immersed, due to the pressure difference of the fluid between the top and bottom of the object. The net upward buoyancy force is equal to the magnitude of the weight of fluid displaced by the body. This force enables the object to float or at least to seem lighter. Buoyancy is important for many vehicles such as boats, ships, balloons, and airships.Archimedes was given the task by the king to find out if his gold crown was made of only gold or some other cheap metals were mixed to it. Archimedes was continuosly thinking of the way to find it and while he was taking bath in a bath tub, he found that some water was spilled when he entered it.(he could then give the Archimedes principle after cetain experiments on buoancy). well he cried out eureka at that particular moment which in greek means "i have found it".

Can someone help me find bad background against Karl Landsteiner?

We have a debate in science and our group scientist is Archimedes. Our opponent's scientist is Karl Landsteiner. We have to prove why our scientist is better than the other scientist and i can't find anything on it. For anyone who is willing to help, thank you so much.

Related questions

What was it that Archimedes discovered?

He discovered that you have to find the volume, mass, and density of something

How was density used to detect fraud?

Archimedes was told by the king to find out if his crown was made of pure gold, calculating the density of the crown, Archimedes found it to be a mix of gold and silver.

What formula was used by Archimedes to find the gold?

Archimedes discovered that all substances have a unique density - the amount of mass contained in a fixed volume of the substance.

How do you calculate the density of both an irregular and regular shaped floating object?

To calculate the density of an irregular shaped floating object, you can measure its mass using a balance and then find its volume by submerging it in a known volume of water and measuring the water displaced. For a regular shaped floating object, you can simply divide its mass by its volume to find the density.

How do you find the density of floating objects?

To find the density of floating objects, you need to measure the mass of the object and the volume of water it displaces when floating. The density can then be calculated by dividing the mass of the object by the volume of water displaced.

What relation do you find between the weight of the floating body and the waight of water that is displaced?

They are equal.When a boat is floating on water it displaces water equal to its weight(Archimedes Principle). As the density of water is less than boat so water displaced is greater than volume of boat. When the boat sinks water displaced is equal to volume of boat. So less water is displaced in 2nd case and consequently water level goes down.Note - relation between volume(v) mass(m) and density(d) : d = m/v

What is the relation do you find between the weight of the floating body and the weight of water that is displaced?

The weight of the floating body is equal to the weight of the water that is displaced. This relationship is known as Archimedes' principle. The buoyant force acting on the floating body is equal to the weight of the water it displaces, allowing the body to float.

If Archimedes had only been able to find a piece of pure gold with a mass one-half that of the crown how could he have determined whether the crown was pure gold?

Archimedes came across concept of density - that is MASS divided by VOLUME. For each substance this ratio is different but a CONSTANT for that substance. Thus the mass you are dealing with is irrelevant if the crown had the same ratio as the piece of pure gold then the crown was pure god, if it did not then the crown was not gold.

When did Archimedes find volume?


How Archimedes discovered the density?

Archimedes discovered density by sitting in a bath full of water, and realized the water that spilled out was how much space he took up in the bath. How many liters that spilled out was how many liters Archimedes took up in the world. As legend has it, when he found this out he ran into the street - naked - shouting "Eureka!" which means, in Greek, "I've found it!" He was shouting "Eureka" because the king asked him to find out if his crown was all gold or did the goldsmith take some gold and used silver instead.

How is Archimedes principle used in quicksand?

Archimedes' principle states that an object immersed in a fluid experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. In quicksand, as you sink, the displaced mud exerts an upward force on you, helping to prevent you from sinking completely. This principle explains why larger, more buoyant objects may find it easier to stay afloat in quicksand.

Who discovered how to find volume of solids?
