

What formula was used by Archimedes to find the gold?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Archimedes discovered that all substances have a unique density - the amount of mass contained in a fixed volume of the substance.

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Q: What formula was used by Archimedes to find the gold?
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Archimedes was told by the king to find out if his crown was made of pure gold, calculating the density of the crown, Archimedes found it to be a mix of gold and silver.

Who consulted Archimedes regarding an object that was made of Gold?

Hiero II, the King of Syracuse, wanted Archimedes to determine if gold had been withheld from a crown by the goldsmith commissioned to make it. Without damaging the crown, Archimedes used water displacement to prove that the gold was not all there.

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Archimedes (of Syracuse).

Who discovered the formula for the circumference of a circle?

Archimedes created the formula for measuring the circumference of a circle he used many-sided polygons, both inside and out to approximate it.

How do you derive formula for volume of a sphere?

If you're able to get around in Calculus, then that derivation is a nice exercise in triple integration with polar coordinates. If not, then you just have to accept the formula after others have derived it. Actually, the formula was known before calculus was invented/discovered. Archimedes used the method of exhaustion to find the formula.

the formula that archimeds used to find pi?

Well I believe that Archimedes measured the Circumference of a circle then divided by the diameter. He then realized through simple algebra that if C/d = pi then d*pi = C

Who created the formula for determining the value of pi?

archimedes, pi is the name of the greek letter p, which was used as the shortened version of the greek word perimeter,or circumference of a circle. archimedes was looking for a formula to find the area of a circle, and he required a more accurate value for the constant pi. previously pi had been assigned a very approximate value of 1/3 or 22/7.

Why did Archimedes use the pi symbol?

Archimedes first used the symbol PI because he was the first one to discover it so he wanted to investigate about it.

What formula is used in Archimedes' principle?

Archimedes principle - weight of the liquid displaced by the object= buoyant force weight=mass x acceleration due to gravity =volume x density x acceleration due to gravity

How Archimedes discovered the density?

Archimedes discovered density by sitting in a bath full of water, and realized the water that spilled out was how much space he took up in the bath. How many liters that spilled out was how many liters Archimedes took up in the world. As legend has it, when he found this out he ran into the street - naked - shouting "Eureka!" which means, in Greek, "I've found it!" He was shouting "Eureka" because the king asked him to find out if his crown was all gold or did the goldsmith take some gold and used silver instead.

Is used in finding the volume of irregular soids?

Water displacement is used to find the volume of irregular solids as discovered by Archimedes