A geometric shape having three dimensions e.g. width, length, and depth.
longitudinal axis: An axis along the lengthwise direction of the figure or body, usually passing through its center of gravity.
An outline is aline marking the outer contours or boundaries of an object or figure or a general description covering the main points of a subject
science came into existence when man did. this is because the definition of science is the study of all or one part of the universe. essentionally, once man gazed opon the stars or tried to figure out where his food came from, science existed.
is the Definition of intuitive
what is the definition of historical text
Sphere, cylinder and a cone
no, it is sphere is not a perfect circle. because sphere is 3dimensional figure and circle is 2 dimensional figure
With Spore.
Pentagonal Prism
It is a figure that can be divided into rectangles and then find its mesure
A composite figure is a figure that is made up of two or more geometric figures.
it is the definition that no one can't figure out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!love veronica :}:} "}
mostly sculpture. this could be stone, ceramic (clay), or metal work.
A nine sided figure.
our apprehension of the figure as got more exacting in definition, the figure as not changed but our understanding of it does, be it the correct or incorrect.