As today is 1st January 2010 and you are 48 years old you were born in the year 1961.
for this date if you are 28 you are born 1961
As this is the year 2012, you would have been born in 1964.
48 bc
1970 48th birthday will be in 2018 unless already 48 then 49th birthday will be in 2018 so born in 1969
48 year old. he was born in 1961
You'll turn 48 this year.
If the person has already had their birthday this year they were born in 1963, if they will be 48 this year they were born in 1962.
If someone is 48 years old, you would subtract 48 from the current year to determine the year they were born. For example, if the current year is 2022, subtracting 48 would mean they were born in 1974.
Oh, that's a happy little question! If you're 48 years old, it means you were born 48 years ago from the current year. So, if we're in 2021, you would have been born in 1973. Just remember, age is just a number, and each year is a new opportunity for beautiful experiences!
Since I've had my birthday this year, I'm 48; for those born in December and yet to have their birthday they are currently 47, but will be 48 before the end of 2013.