Since I've had my birthday this year, I'm 48; for those born in December and yet to have their birthday they are currently 47, but will be 48 before the end of 2013.
Someone born in 1932 would be 81 years old in 2013.
About 45.
As of your birthday in 2013, you would be 16 years old.
Deepa Sahi is 49 years old. She was born on 2 September 1965.
You would be 47 or 48 years old depending on what month and day they were born. The person would be 48 if the birthday is before the date at the time, the person would be 47 if the birthday is after the date at the time.
Someone born in 1932 would be 81 years old in 2013.
you are 42
1977 minus 1965 would make them 12 years old.
43 years old. Born in 1965
u will be 44 yrs old
2015 − 1965 = 50 years old on 1st August 2015.
46 she was born in 1965
44 or 45
About 45.