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Accounting is math heavy. However, you should still work on writing skills since you need to be able to communicate by email and by writing reports in just about any field. Take a few more classes, keep a journal and over time, you should have the skills your need. This is much better than trying to avoid a subject because of a perceived weakness.

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Q: What majors and or subjects are math heavy but not writing heavy?
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What majors can you do if you are good at math but bad at essay writing?

Math is good for science and engineering of any type.

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What majors can you do if you're good at math but not at biology and writing code?

Math, physics, astronomy, architecture, actuarial science, statistics, possibly genetics.

What are the best university majors for people who are math but bad at writing?

In general, no matter what major you take, you need to do a lot of writing. However, it's mostly the humanities and social sciences that require a ton of writing(as well as sciences like biology, and biology related majors). The science, economics and engineering majors have less writing in them.

What college and university majors are for people who are good at math but bad at essays?

Most university majors will require you to write essays regardless, but there are some majors that don't emphasize a lot of writing: Economics Math Engineering Science(except biology and some fields of chemistry)

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They study subjects like. . . math reading writing spelling and history.

What subjects or majors can you do if you're good with math but hate essay writing?

It's hard to think of any because although many subjects and related careers are far more numerical than textual, in practice you must still be able to write "essays" - or reports - on whatever you are using the maths to analyse.

What university majors are suitable for those who are mathematicians but are terrible writers?

Study math! it is good for you and it can lead you to jobs that are not communication heavy.

What subjects or majors can you do if you're good at math?

Science, especially physics; any engineering discipline; architecture; economics and finance; computer programming; statistics...

What subjects did colonial students study?

reading, writing, math, history, science, and much more :)

What majors are good for people who are good at math but are bad at programming biology and writing skills?

Basically anything related to engineering or science - except computer-related subjects. Engineering majors are those that have the name "engineering" in their names, and a few who don't - such as economy and architecture. You probably shouldn't be afraid of programming; if you are good at math, you should be able to learn that, as well. At least the basic subjects which you are likely to encounter in any engineering course. Also, you'll need SOME writing skills for ANY higher-level career; once again, there is really no reason to be afraid of it. While you might not get a prize for your writing style, you should still be able to write simple reports on your work, for example.

What majors are suitable for people who are good at math but not necessarily at writing essays or as people call it papers?

A good major would be in education. You could become a math teacher.