One thousand
There are 600 of them.
10234 If you're cheap, you can go 01234
The word form is discrete!
One thousand
The area code for Bedford is (01234) and local numbers have six digits. One local number is 567890. So, with area code it is 01234 567890.
it is the number sighn
01234 is, technically a 4-digit number. Also, 10234 is not the smallest 5 digit number. The smallest 5 digit [positive] number is 10000.
Lily T Olney 01234 711118
He lives in Box Hill, in Surrey, England.
There are 600 of them.
48 of them if digits may not be repeated. 100 if they can.
If the English number was 01234 567890, you would ring 0044 1234 567890