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Q: 12.35 to 12.4 name the place to which each number was rounded?
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This number has been rounded to the nearest million.

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I can see eight different place values to which that number could be rounded. The choice is yours. The answer is different for each one.

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5.099 - a thousandth 5 - a unit

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The answer depends on the degree to which the number needs to be rounded.

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Any number can be rounded to any place value.

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the place of each digit help the value of the number by using your multuplication

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Each of the number that is shown rounds to 0.

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That depends on whether it has to be rounded to the nearest tenth, the nearest whole number, the nearest ten, or the nearest hundred. Each choice would have a different answer.

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This depends what you are rounding it to. The nearest whole number would be 4 while the nearest tens place would be 0. You could also round the decimal point around as well.

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Each place has a value 10 times the value of the place to its right.

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