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The period of an 8000 Hz sine wave is 0.125 milliseconds. (1/8000)

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Q: What is the period of a 8000 Hz sine wave?
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Suppose that a sine wave has a period of 0.1 seconds What is the frequency of this wave?

10 Hz

How do you calculate the length of a Hz sine wave?

The length of a Hz sine wave can be calculated using the formula: length = 1/frequency. For example, for a sine wave of 1 Hz, the length would be 1 second. This formula is derived from the relationship between frequency (number of cycles per second) and the period (duration of one cycle), where period = 1/frequency.

If the frequency of a sine wave is 272 Hz what is the period of the wave in seconds?

Period = 1 / frequency = 1/272 = 0.003676 second (rounded)

The period of a sine wave is T equals 807 milliseconds What is the frequency of the wave in Hertz?

Frequency = 1 / period = 1 / 0.807 = 1.2392 Hz (rounded)

What is the length of a 60 hertz sine wave?

The length of a 60 Hz sine wave is 1/60 second, which corresponds to a period of 16.67 milliseconds.

How far in nanometers is the wavelength of a 10000 Hz sine wave and how far for a 20000 Hz sine wave also?

The wavelength of a 10000 Hz sine wave is approximately 30,000 nanometers (30 µm), and for a 20000 Hz sine wave, it is approximately 15,000 nanometers (15 µm). This is calculated using the formula: wavelength ( λ) = speed of light (c) / frequency (f).

Which signal has a wider bandwidth a sine wave with a frequency of 100 hz or a sine wave with a frequency of 200 hz?

The signal that changes at a higher rate occupies greater bandwidth.

What is the period of a 4 Hz wave?

The period of a 4 Hz wave is 0.25 seconds. Period is the time it takes for one complete cycle of a wave to occur. In this case, for a 4 Hz wave, the wave completes one full cycle every 0.25 seconds.

What is the frequency of the wave if the period of a mechanical wave is 5 seconds?

The frequency of a wave is the reciprocal of its period. So, if the period of the wave is 5 seconds, the frequency would be 1/5 Hz, which is 0.2 Hz.

When a sine wave has a frequency of 50 Hz in 10 seconds it goes through?

5 cycles.

What is the period of a radio wave that has a frequency of 880000000 Hz?

The period of a wave is the inverse of its frequency. Therefore, for a radio wave with a frequency of 880,000,000 Hz, the period can be calculated as 1 / 880,000,000 ≈ 1.136 × 10^-9 seconds.

If a wave has frequency of 20 Hz what is the period of the wave?

.05 seconds