.73 feet
You can do this in several ways. You can round to the nearest decimal; you can also round up, or round down.
To get the decimal, divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. If the decimal runs to more than one place, then you have to round it to one decimal place.
If a number is not in decimal format you simply don't need to round it. Or better say you can not round it because it is not a math rule.
74.9cm + 225cm = 279.9cm
225cm is 7 feet and 4.58 inches.
225 cm is equal to 88.58 inches.
225cm is equal to 2250 millimeters. To convert centimeters to millimeters, you simply multiply the number of centimeters by 10.
.73 feet
6.5- you round it until it has one decimal.
There is no need to round 1097 to any decimal places as there are no digits following a decimal point.
P = 60 cm
2.25 metres or 225cm
You can do this in several ways. You can round to the nearest decimal; you can also round up, or round down.