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Close to two-thirds of the sorghum grown in the United States is used as livestock feed.
Two main reasons: 1) Crops and livestock tend to be mutually beneficial. The crops feed the livestock, and the livestock waste feeds the crops. 2) The more diverse a farm is, the more protected the business is from changes in the market. If a farm only produces one or two crops, the farm is at much greater financial risk from a downturn in the market, whereas it is much less likely that four or more products will all be down in the market at the same time.
3 feet 11.244094488 inches122 Centimetre(s) = 4.0026246719 Feetround we usually say 122 cms equals 4 foot
A one year old should weigh about 20 pounds. If it weighs less than that than feed it more. If it weighs 31 or more than take it to its Dr. Dr. C
90 to feed a family of 3 for a week => 30 to feed one for a week => 30*5 to feed a family of 5 for a week ie 150. However, this assumes that it costs the same to feed adults and children in a family (unlikely), and that there are no economies of scale (also unlikely).
the cottonseed produces more than 9 billion pounds of feed for livestock on average
About 25 pounds. I feed them 5-6 oz portions.
I would make 40 pounds.
how many pounds of potato salad do I need to feed 100 people
Aflatoxin in feed can reduce reproduction and feed efficiency in livestock.
A feed trough for livestock is commonly called a "feed bunk" or simply a "trough." It is used to deliver and contain feed for animals such as cattle, sheep, and horses.
Livestock are fed GMO feed regularly.
Animal feed, human feed, and making alcohol
Because it contains high energy and high protein making it an ideal feed to fatten up livestock prior to slaughter.
The feed does not have that particular mineral that can be eaten by livestock. Therefore, you must supply another means for livestock to get that missing mineral[s], either by mixing feed or providing a salt lick.
The square kilometer of livestock would feed more people, but it would require more energy to obtain.
Feed for livestock, especially coarsely chopped hay