42 x 9 or 63 x 6
Assuming a seven digit whole number: 1,111,111. But if you have to use at least one (2) digit, then 1,111,112.
2 digit number
There is only 1 combination.
a 3 digit number that is divisible by on is a three digit number that is a multiple of one.
There are 28706 such combinations. 5456 of these comprise three 2-digit numbers, 19008 comprise two 2-digit numbers and two 1-digit numbers, 4158 comprise one 2-digit number and four 1-digit numbers and 84 comprise six 1-digit numbers.
42 x 9 or 63 x 6
Using the eight digits, 1 - 8 ,-- There are 40,320 eight-digit permutations.-- There is 1 eight-digit combination.
Assuming a seven digit whole number: 1,111,111. But if you have to use at least one (2) digit, then 1,111,112.
Assuming a seven digit whole number: 1,111,111. But if you have to use at least one (2) digit, then 1,111,112.
Assuming a seven digit whole number: 1,111,111. But if you have to use at least one (2) digit, then 1,111,112.
The number 9 is the greatest one-digit number.
42 is not a square number but 42^1=42
2 digit number
There is only 1 combination.
The units digit of a two digit number exceeds twice the tens digit by 1. Find the number if the sum of its digits is 10.