The sale price is $37.10
Increase the price of the sweater by 100% of it's sale price.
The sale price is $30.00
The sale price will be $37.10
A savings of $111.60 and a sale price of $12.40
The sale price is $37.10
You will pay $45.00 + tax.
15 % of 47.60 would make the sale price $40.46.
Increase the price of the sweater by 100% of it's sale price.
If it is 28 dollars off the regular price, then the sale price will be 695 - 28 = $667. If it is 28 PERCENT off the regular price, then it will be $500.40.
The sale price is $30.00
It is a savings of $33.00 to a sale price of $77.00