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a. 144 feet

b. 96 ft/sec.

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Q: A ball is dropped from the top of a building and hits the ground 3 seconds later. a. what is the height if the building b. with what speed did it hit the ground?
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A ball was dropped on a top of the building and hits the ground after 15 s. What is the height of the building?

381 metres

How long will it take an object dropped from a height of 500 feet to hit the ground?

Assuming the object is dropped from rest and neglecting air resistance, it would take approximately 7.0 seconds for the object to hit the ground from a height of 500 feet. This is based on the formula t = sqrt(2h/g), where t is the time, h is the height, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 32.2 ft/s^2).

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The height of the building at the 102nd floor is 381 metres. The penny is irrelevant.

A penny dropped from the top of the Empire State Building takes 9.2 seconds to reach the street What is the height of the building?

The height of the building at the 102nd floor is 381 metres. The penny is irrelevant.

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19.6 meters / 64.4 ft

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.. You need the height of the building to figure it out..?

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A pebble is dropped from the top of a 144-foot building. The height of the pebble h after t seconds is given by the equation h=−16t2+144 . How long after the pebble is dropped will it hit the ground?Interpretationa) Which variable represents the height of the pebble, and in what units?b) Which variable represents the time in the air, and in what units?c) What equation relates the height of the object to its time in the air?d) What type of equation is this?e) What are you asked to determine?

When will the ball hit the ground if dropped at 443 meters high?

The time it takes for a ball to hit the ground when dropped from a height can be calculated using the equation: t = √(2h/g), where h is the height (443 meters) and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²). Solving for t gives a time of approximately 9 seconds.

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It's not possible to calculate the answer with the information given.An object with a mass of 15 kg can be dropped from a building of any height.

What if a ball is dropped off the roof of a tall building if the ball reaches the ground in 3 seconds how tall is the building?

The height of the building can be calculated using the formula: h = (1/2)gt^2, where h is the height of the building, g is acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s^2), and t is the time taken for the ball to reach the ground (3 seconds in this case). Plugging in the values, we get h = (1/2) * 9.81 * 3^2 = 44.145 meters. Thus, the building is approximately 44.145 meters tall.

Which has more kinetic energy a ball dropped from a height of 2m or a same ball dropped at 4m which has more kinetic energy just before it hits the ground?

The ball dropped from 4m height has more kinetic energy just before it hits the ground because it has a higher velocity due to falling from a greater height. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to both mass and the square of velocity, so the ball dropped from 4m height will have more kinetic energy than the one dropped from 2m height.

If a ball takes 11 seconds to stop if dropped from 1 foot and 25 seconds from 2 feet how many seconds if dropped from 3 feet?

If we assume the time it takes for the ball to stop is directly proportional to the height it is dropped from, we can set up a proportion based on the given information. From the given data, we have the ratio of time to height as 11/1 = 25/2. Therefore, if we continue this ratio, the time it would take to stop if dropped from 3 feet would be 55 seconds.