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Step 1

Write down the information you already know:

v1= 50 feet per second [up]

a= 9.81 m/s2 [down]= -9.81 m/s2 [up] = -32.185 feet/s2 [down] (1 metre= 3.28083989501312 feet)

t= 3s

d= ?

Step 2


d= v1t+(1/2)at2

d= 50(3)+(1/2)(-32.185)(3)2

d= 150-144.8325

d= 5.1675 feet

*Remember you need to add the initial height


d= 10.1675 feet= 10 feet

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Q: A ball is thrown straight up in the air with an initial velocity of 50 feet per second and an initial height of 5 feet. How high will the ball be after 3 seconds?
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How do initial velocity affect range and height of a projectile?

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What relationship exists between the initial velocity and the maximum height reached by an object thrown upward?

Ignoring air resistance, I get this formula:Maximum height of a vertically-launched object = 1.5 square of initial speed/GI could be wrong. In that case, the unused portion of my fee will be cheerfully refunded.

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The height from which an object is dropped does not affect its average velocity. Average velocity depends on the overall displacement and time taken to achieve that displacement, regardless of the initial height of the object.

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