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Get the value of initial velocity. Get the angle of projection. Break initial velocity into components along x and y axis. Apply the equation of motion .

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Q: How to find the height of the projectile launch if the angle velocity and the distance are given?
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Is initial velocity y the same for an angled launch and a horizontal launch if you use the same projectile launcher?

Yes. They will both initially be moving at the same speed.

Given the velocity of a projectile the angle of projection and the mass of the object how do you determine the distance traveled?

Given the initial velocity V, and the angle from the ground A, the total distance travelled X will be: X = 2 V2 cos(A) sin(A) / gwhere "g" is the acceleration due to gravity, on earth g is approximately 9.81 m/s2.You will notice that the mass of the object does not affect the distance traveled. We can derive this by first determining how long the projectile will be in the air. If the initial velocity is V, then the initial vertical velocity is Vsin(A). The vertical velocity will decrease at a rate of 'g' until the vertical velocity reaches zero (known as apogee), and the projectile starts falling down. The time from launch to apogee will be Vsin(A)/g.The time for the projectile to go up is the same as for the projectile to fall down again, so the total time in the airis 2Vsin(A)/g.Assuming we neglect friction, the horizontal velocity is Vcos(A) and does not change. The total distance traveled horizontally is the horizontal speed multiplied by the time spend in the air. So X = 2Vsin(A)/g * Vcos(A) = 2V2cos(A)sin(A)/g.The maximum distance is achived with an angle of 45o. The distance travelled is symmetric around this value, i.e. an angle of 50o will give the same distance as 40o, and an angle of 15owill give the same distance as 75o.

If the launch angle is 15 degrees and the initial velocity is 50.0 meters per second what is the range?

If the initial velocity is 50 meters per second and the launch angle is 15 degrees what is the maximum height? Explain.

How does angle affect the distance of a projectile?

yes it does. you see if you have it set up at a a 90 degree angle it will go further than it would of a 10 degree angle A projectile leaving the ground at an angle of 45 degrees will attain the maximum range. Fire it straight up and it will fall back to its launch location (wind effects etc. ignored). Fire it horizontally and it will hit the ground very much the same time as if it was dropped from its launch platform at the same time. That would not be very far.

How do you find the maximum range and height for angles 30 45 and 60?

1. You need to know the velocity of the projectile (V0) 2. The expressions for the range and height assume no air resistance (in vacuum) 3. The units must be consistent e.g. metres and g = 9.81 m/s2 Range in metres for 30 degree launch angle = sin 60 x V02 / 9.81 Range in metres for 45 degree launch angle = sin 90 x V02 / 9.81 Range in metres for 60 degree launch angle = sin 120 x V02 / 9.81 Max. height in metres for 30 degree launch angle = (V0 x sin 30)2 / 2g Max. height in metres for 45 degree launch angle = (V0 x sin 45)2 / 2g Max. height in metres for 60 degree launch angle = (V0 x sin 60)2 / 2g 2g is of course 9.81 x 2 = 19.62 m/s2 For interest, at 45 degree launch angle the max. height is 25% of the range.

Related questions

How do you improve projectile motion?

To improve projectile motion, you can adjust the initial velocity, launch angle, or launch height of the projectile. By optimizing these parameters, you can achieve greater distance, height, or accuracy in the motion of the projectile. Additionally, reducing air resistance and wind can also help improve the overall projectile motion.

How high does projectile go?

The maximum height of a projectile depends on its initial velocity and launch angle. In ideal conditions, the maximum height occurs when the launch angle is 45 degrees, reaching a height equal to half the maximum range of the projectile.

What is the relationship between range and height of projectile?

The range of a projectile is influenced by both the initial velocity and launch angle, while the height of the projectile is affected by the launch angle and initial height. Increasing the launch angle typically decreases the range but increases the maximum height of the projectile.

What is the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile?

The horizontal distance traveled by a projectile is determined by the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it was launched, and the time of flight. It can be calculated using the equation: horizontal distance = (initial velocity * time * cosine of launch angle).

What are the factors that affect the path of a projectile?

The factors that affect the path of a projectile include its initial velocity, launch angle, air resistance, gravity, and the height of the launch point. These factors combine to determine the trajectory and range of the projectile.

What are five factors that can influence the angle of release of a projectile?

Launch velocity: A higher launch velocity can result in a larger angle of release for a projectile. Launch height: The height from which the projectile is launched can impact the angle of release. Air resistance: Air resistance can affect the trajectory of a projectile and therefore the angle of release. Gravity: The force of gravity influences the path of a projectile, affecting the angle of release. Wind conditions: Wind speed and direction can alter the angle of release needed for a projectile to reach its target.

What projectile angle will get you the longest distance?

The optimal launch angle for the longest distance of a projectile is 45 degrees in the absence of air resistance. This angle allows for the greatest horizontal distance because it balances the vertical and horizontal components of the projectile's velocity.

What do you need to know to determine how far a projectile travels horizontally?

To determine how far a projectile travels horizontally, you need to know the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it is launched, and the acceleration due to gravity. The horizontal range of the projectile can be calculated using the formula: range = (initial velocity squared * sin(2*launch angle)) / acceleration due to gravity.

What is the maximum range of projectile?

The maximum range of a projectile is the distance it travels horizontally before hitting the ground. It is influenced by factors such as initial velocity, launch angle, and air resistance. In a vacuum, the maximum range is achieved at a launch angle of 45 degrees.

What do you you need to know to determine how far a projectile travels horizontally?

initial velocity, angle of launch, height above ground When a projectile is launched you can calculate how far it travels horizontally if you know the height above ground it was launched from, initial velocity and the angle it was launched at. 1) Determine how long it will be in the air based on how far it has to fall (this is why you need the height above ground). 2) Use your initial velocity to determine the horizontal component of velocity 3) distance travelled horizontally = time in air (part 1) x horizontal velocity (part 2)

What is the relationship between vertical displacement and theoretical range?

The vertical displacement of a projectile has no direct effect on its theoretical range. The range of a projectile is determined by its initial velocity, launch angle, and acceleration due to gravity. Vertical displacement primarily affects the height reached by the projectile during its flight, while range refers to the horizontal distance traveled.

How does the launch angle relate to the initial speed of the projectile?

The launch angle and initial speed of a projectile are both factors that determine the range and height of the projectile. A higher launch angle with the same initial speed will typically result in a longer range but lower maximum height. Conversely, a lower launch angle with the same initial speed will result in a shorter range but a higher maximum height.