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Because if you were not to zig zag, just go point a to b, it is going to be shorter (as the crow flies)

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Q: A boy walks 40 meters east then he walks 30 meters north He has traveled a total distance of 70 meters How is the displacment 50 meters?
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What is the distance traveled if a person walks 15 meters north then turns around and walks 10 meters south?

25 metres.

How do you find velocity with a known time and distance?

Velocity equal distance divided by time. For example, an object that traveled 5 metes in 10 seconds had a velocity of 5/10 meters per second which is .5 meters per second. Velocity is speed in a direction. Sometimes a navigate or positive number is sufficient as the direction. Other times you will need to be more specific, such as .5 meters per second East or 1.3 meters per second 30 degrees East of North.

How do you work out bearings like how far east or north something has gone if you have the bearing it has traveled at and how far?

The bearing to that person or object is the heading it traveled on. Draw a right triangle by drawing an x-y coordinate plane to match East (x) and North (y) with the origin matching the point of departure. Now draw a perpendicular line from the new position to the x-axis and the hypotenuse to represent the distance traveled (r). The heading is actually the angle from north to the hypotenuse, so the angle at the origin INSIDE the triangle is its complement (angle A). Use the sin and cos to find the x (east distance) and the y (north distance) Sin A = y/r so, y = r (sin A) similarly x = r (cos A)

A radio controlled car rolls 10 m south then reverses direction and rolls 8 m north The car has traveled a distance of 18 m and has a displacement of m south?


Mike walks 100 meters north then walks 30 meters south After this he walks another 10 meters north What is the magnitude of his total displacement during this walk in meters?


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What is the distance traveled if a person walks 15 meters north then turns around and walks 10 meters south?

25 metres.

How do you find the average velocity in ms of a bicycle that starts 150 meters north of town and is 1200 meters north of town in 30.0 minutes?

You divide the distance traveled by the time.

An object moves 15.0 m north and then 11.0 m south Find both the distance traveled and the magnitude of the displacement vector?

The distance traveled is the sum of the magnitudes of the two displacements: 15.0 m north + 11.0 m south = 4.0 m north. The magnitude of the displacement is the absolute difference between the initial and final positions: |15.0 m - 11.0 m| = 4.0 m.

How do you find velocity with a known time and distance?

Velocity equal distance divided by time. For example, an object that traveled 5 metes in 10 seconds had a velocity of 5/10 meters per second which is .5 meters per second. Velocity is speed in a direction. Sometimes a navigate or positive number is sufficient as the direction. Other times you will need to be more specific, such as .5 meters per second East or 1.3 meters per second 30 degrees East of North.

How far did noah to the sea when he is building the ark?

Noah ark traveled a long distance in those 40 days . It landed in turkey.

What is reverses direction and rolls 8 m north The car has traveled a distance of 18 m and has a displacement of m south?


From the station, a train traveled due east while another train traveled due north. They traveled the same distance before they reached their next stations. When they stopped, they were 100 miles apart. How far did each train travel?

70.7 mi

What is difference between distance and displacement?

Distance is the actual length traveled regardless of direction, while displacement is the change in position from the initial point to the final point in a straight line. Distance is a scalar quantity, whereas displacement is a vector quantity that includes both magnitude and direction.

Determine the distance between Polaris and Earth in meters?

The distance between Polaris (North Star) and Earth is approximately 433 light-years, which is about 4.086 × 10^18 meters. This distance is constantly changing due to the movement of both Earth and the star.

A person walks 3 miles north, turns and walks 2 miles east. Calculate the persons distance traveled and their displacement?

Distance 2+3=5 displacement 2

How do you measure the speed and velocity of a moving object?

Speed is measured by calculating the distance traveled over a specific time interval, usually in miles per hour or meters per second. Velocity adds direction to speed by including the object's displacement over time, measured in units such as meters per second north or miles per hour east.

What measures distance north and south of the equator?

Latitude2nd answer:Latitude is the wrong answer. Distance is measured in miles, feet, yards, meters, kilometers, and so on.Latitude is a measure of degrees north and south of the equator.latitude2nd answer:Latitude is the wrong answer. Distance is measured in miles, feet, yards, meters, kilometers, and so forth.Latitude is a measurement of degrees.