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The bearing to that person or object is the heading it traveled on. Draw a right triangle by drawing an x-y coordinate plane to match East (x) and North (y) with the origin matching the point of departure. Now draw a perpendicular line from the new position to the x-axis and the hypotenuse to represent the distance traveled (r). The heading is actually the angle from north to the hypotenuse, so the angle at the origin INSIDE the triangle is its complement (angle A).

Use the sin and cos to find the x (east distance) and the y (north distance)

Sin A = y/r so, y = r (sin A) similarly x = r (cos A)

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Q: How do you work out bearings like how far east or north something has gone if you have the bearing it has traveled at and how far?
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Alternate angles are equal so it is alternate angle+180 degrees because 3 figure bearings are measured clock-wise from North

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a bearing is the angle from north moving clockwise 360 degrees a negative bearing is moving counterclockwise from north

What is a true bearing?

A true bearing is a type of bearing that indicates the direction of one point relative to another point on the Earth's surface, measured using true north as a reference point. It is expressed as an angle, measured in degrees, between a fixed reference direction (such as true north) and the direction of the point being observed. True bearings are important for navigation, surveying, and other applications that require accurate direction-finding. They differ from magnetic bearings, which are measured relative to the Earth's magnetic field, and are subject to variation depending on the location and time. True bearings are more reliable and consistent, as they are based on the Earth's axis of rotation and do not change over time or location.

What is the reciprocal bearing of 117 degrees?

YES!!! it is 360 - 117 = 243 For bearing (navigation) . Bearing of due North is bearing zero(0) . Then moving around the compass clockwise due East is bearing 090 , die South is bearing 180 and due West is bearing 270 . However, if starting at bearing zero(0) and moving ANTI-Clockwise , the first bearing is 270 , which is 90 degrees of turn. The 90 degrees in anti =clockwise is the inverse. NB For ALL bearings you quote three digits. So due East , bearing 90 is quoted as '090'. This is normal navigational practice.

What is a bearing in maths?

A bearing is a clockwise rotation from the North to the angle of the object.

What is a way of giving direction as an angle?

In terms of bearings. North is at a bearing of 000 (always given as a 3-digit number). Move clockwise to East = 090, South = 180, West = 270. Intermediate angles as appropriate degrees.

What job did Henry Hudson have?

he was a explorer that traveled all around North America.

How do you work out the bearing in maths?

A bearing is the angle made by a direction with the line pointing North, measured in the clockwise direction. A bearing is represented as a 3-digit number. So the bearing for North is 000, North-East is 045 East is 090, South is 180 West is 270 and just short of North is 359.