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If its speed is constant, its acceleration is nil.

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Q: A car tarvels a highway at 55 miles per hour Its speed is while its acceleration is?
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A car travels a highway 55 miles per hour what is its speed and acceleration?

Its speed is 55 mph, and if the highway doesn't curve, then its acceleration is zero.

What is an acceleration road?

An acceleration road is a stretch of roadway where vehicles can quickly increase their speed before merging onto a faster-moving highway or merging into traffic. It provides a safer way for vehicles to match the speed of traffic flow when entering a highway.

Which Highway that allows us to pass the speed of 300 miles per hour?

Information Highway?

How do you find force?

Force is mass X acceleration. means that the speed miles its = to miles.

Can acceleration be measured in miles per hour?

Acceleration is typically measured in units such as meters per second squared or kilometers per hour per second. Using miles per hour is not a common unit for acceleration measurements.

If A car travels down the highway at 55 mph its speed is what and its acceleration is what?

Acceleration is zero since 55 mph is velocity and it is constant. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change in velocity. The speed is the absolute value of velocity so it is also 55.

How long does it take you to do 521 miles on the highway?

Ummm...pretty sure it depends on the speed limit of the highway!

What is the maximum acceleration of a train travelling at 90 miles per hour?

The speed or velocity of a train has no bearing on its acceleration.

Does a ford f-150 travel more miles per gallon on the highway or on the streets?

Generally, any vehicle will get better mileage on the highway than on city streets. This is because on a highway the vehicle can travel at a constant speed without stops and starts. It is the idling and acceleration that consumes the difference in gas in city driving.

The maximum speed on that highway is 70 miles per hour?

Highest A+

How averaged 50 miles per hour on highway and 60 miles pre hour on the turnpike?

Your average speed on the turnpike should be greater than on a highway.

What is a sentence with average speed?

The car traveled at an average speed of 60 miles per hour on the highway.