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Total Sales Revenue = 88140

Total Cost = 11300 * (4.29+2.73) = 79326

Total Variable Cost = 79326 * 4.29 / (4.29+2.73) = 48477

Contribution Margin Ratio = 48477 / 88140 = .55 or 55 %

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Q: A company has sold 11300 units for a total sales revenue of 88140 variable cost and fixed cost are 4.29 and 2.73 per unit respectively what is the sales contribution ratio?
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What happens to the contribution ratio when the components change?

The contribution ratio is the relationship between total sales revenue and total variable costs. If the components change, such as an increase in sales revenue or a decrease in variable costs, the contribution ratio will increase. Conversely, if sales revenue decreases or variable costs increase, the contribution ratio will decrease.

Does contribution margin equal Sales-variable costs?

Contribution margin is computed as sales revenue minus variable expenses

If your revenue is 10 million your variable cost is 6 million your fixed cost is 3 million what is your contribution margin?

Contribution margin = Sales revenue - variable cost Contribution margin = 10 million - 6 million Contribution margin = 4 million

How do you calculate contribution?

Formula for contribution is as follows: Sales revenue xxxx Less: Variable cost xxxx Contribution margin xxxx

Is Contribution margin equals revenue minus all variable costs?


Does increasing the variable cost increase the contribution margin?

Increase in variable cost reduces the contribution margin as following formula suggests”Contribution margin = Sales revenue – Variable Cost

Is contribution margin equals sale revenue minus all variable cost?


Does contribution margin equals revenue minus all variable costs?

Yes, Revenues minus variable costs gives you your contribution margin. Contribution margin minus fixed costs gives you net income.

Define contribution margin?

Contribution margin is that amount from sales revenue which a single sold unit contribute to recover the fixed cost incurred to manufacture that unit after recovering the variable cost.

Explain how 'segment margin' differs from 'contribution margin'?

Contribution margin is the amount remaining from sales revenue once all variable costs have been removed ie. Contribution Margin = Sales Revenue - Variable Costs Segment margin is the margin available after a segment has covered all of its costs. It's one of the best ways to determine the long-term profitability of a segment. ie. Segment Margin = Segment's Contribution Margin - Fixed Costs traced to the Segment

What is Total Contribution?

Total contribution is .. When more than one unit is sold, the total contribution can be calculated. You work it out by: total revenue minus total variable = total contribution eg. 1,000 pair of trousers, variable costs are £7.50 per pair, sold at £9.00 per pair. = total contribution total revenue - total variable cost = (£9.00 x 1,000) - (£7.50 x 1,000) = 9,000 - 7,500 = £1,500 This £1,500 will contribute to the companies fixed costs & profit. Another way of working out the total contribution would be multiplying the unit contribution by the number of units sold. = total contribution unit contribution x number of units sold = (£9.00 - £7.50) x 1,000 = £1.50 x 1,000 = £1,500 Hope this helps :P

What is a Pro-forma contribution margin income statement?

Proforma contribution margin income statement Sales revenue xxxxLess: Variable cost xxxxContribution margin xxxxLess: Fixed Cost xxxxprofit (Loss) xxxx