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Q: A ferris wheel with a radius of 10 m is rotating at a rate of one revolution every 2 minutes How fast is a rider rising when the rider is 18 m above ground level?
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What is a violently rotating column of air stretching from cloud to ground?

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. It is capable of causing significant damage due to its strong winds and rapid movement.

Which term describes a rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstrom to the ground?

A tornado is a rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground, characterized by high wind speeds and a funnel-shaped cloud.

What kind of cloud is a rotating column of air that doesn't touch the ground?

A rotating column of air that does not touch the ground is typically referred to as a funnel cloud. Funnel clouds are associated with severe thunderstorms and tornadoes, and they can form from rotating updrafts within the storm's cloud base. If a funnel cloud reaches the ground, it becomes a tornado.

What is a voilently rotating column of air that touches the ground called?

It is a tornado.

A rotating cone shaped column of air extending downward from a cloud when it touches the ground it is called a tornado?

Yes, a tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. When it touches the ground, it can cause significant damage due to its strong winds and destructive potential. Tornadoes are typically accompanied by severe weather conditions such as thunderstorms and heavy rainfall.

True or false a tornado is a funnel cloud that has touched the ground?

True. A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground, and when it touches the ground it is then classified as a tornado. The funnel cloud is the visible condensation funnel attached to the rotating column of air but becomes a tornado once it touches the ground.

Does your stomach drop on the ferris wheel?

Typically, yes. As the Ferris wheel spins down back toward the ground, you will usually experience the sensation commonly referred to as your stomach dropping. However, the sensation in this case is relatively mild and very few people experience motion sickness on a Ferris wheel.

What is the difference in feet between the minimum and maximum heights of a car on the Ferris wheel?

The difference in feet between the minimum and maximum heights of a car on a Ferris wheel will be the diameter of the Ferris wheel. You might want to add the height of a car above ground at its lowest point to be technically correct.

The seats of a Ferris wheel are 35 ft from the center of the wheel When you get into your seat your seat is 5 ft off the ground How far above the ground are you after the wheel rotates 765 degree?


In a seismometer the pen is attached to an inertial mass suspended by a spring What is the rotating drum attached to?

the ground

What does amplitude represent in a ferris wheel?

In a Ferris wheel, the amplitude represents the maximum distance from the center to the highest point or the lowest point of the wheel. It indicates the maximum height that a passenger will experience during the ride.

Why does a twister form?

A twister, or tornado, forms when warm, moist air near the ground meets cooler, drier air above it. This creates instability in the atmosphere, leading to a rotating column of air that descends from a thunderstorm cloud. When this rotating column touches the ground, it becomes a tornado.