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when a man push the tumbler up side down than the air is blocked inside it and than the air preasure becomes so high in the tumbler and then the air preasure of outside is lower than the inside and than theair preasure inside the tumbler push the tumbler up.

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Q: A man turns a bucket of water upside down but the bucket remains full the bucket has no lid the water is not frozen the man is not in space or not swinging the bucket around?
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The permanent layer of frozen soil is called permafrost. It remains frozen year-round and can extend several meters below the ground's surface.

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No, a frozen egg is not heavier than an unfrozen egg. Freezing an egg may cause slight changes in density due to expansion of water molecules during freezing, but the overall weight remains the same.

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The biome that includes a layer of soil that is permanently frozen is the tundra biome. This frozen layer of soil is known as permafrost, and it remains frozen year-round, limiting the depth to which plant roots can grow.

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Non-frozen water has no effect on the mass of a material because the mass remains constant regardless of its state as a liquid or solid.

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Permafrost is found in cold climates like polar climates and tundra climates, where the ground remains frozen year-round.