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Q: A plane can be determined by how many points that are not on the same line?
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How many points are needed to determine a unique plane?

A plane can be determined by three points, as long as the three points do not lie along a single line.

How many planes can be determined by A B and C?

If points A, B, and C are not on the same line, they determine a single plane.

How many planes are determined by three noncollinear?

1 line cause every plane contains atleast 3 or more noncollinear points

If line d intersects plane F then how many points on line d also lie on plane F?

There are one or infinitely many points.

How many points are you a intersection of a line and a plane?

There are two possible answers; if the line is crossing the plane at an angle, then the line and the plane only intersect at one point. However, if the line is part of the plane, then the entire line intersects with the plane, and there are an infinite number of intersecting points.

Give a line and a point not on the line how many planes do they define?

They define one plane. A line is defined by two points, and it takes three points to define a plane, so two points on the line, and one more point not on the line equals one plane.

How many points does a line have?

a line has to have at least 2 points.a plane has to have at least 3 points.______________It takes two points to define a unique line in Euclidean space. But every line and every line segment contains infinitely many points. The same is true for planes in Euclidean space. You need at least 3 points to define a unique plane, but every plane containes infinitely many points and infinitely many lines or line segments.

How many different lines are determined by two points?

In classical or Euclidean plane geometry two points defines exactly one line. On a sphere two points can define infinitely many lines only one of which will represent the shortest distance between the points. On other curved surfaces, or in non-Euclidean geometries, the number of lines determined by two points can vary. Even in the Euclidean plane, two points determine infinitely many lines that are not straight!

How many points are found at the intersection of a line and a plane?

Zero (if the line is parallel to the plane), one (generally), or an infinite number (if the line is within the plane).

How many planes are determined by three non-collinear points?

Just one plane.

Can a plane and a line ever intersect in two points?

In Euclidean geometry, they can only intersect in 0, 1 or infinitely many points. If there are two points of intersection then the whole line lies in the plane.

In general how many planes are there which contain any number of given points?

There are no planes containing any number of given points. Two points not the same define a line. Three points not in a line define a plane. For four or more points to lie in the same plane, three can be arbitrary but not on the same line, but the fourth (and so on) points must lie in that same plane.