You can make a perimeter with side lengths if 3, 3, 3, 3 or you could do a rectangle with side lengths of 4, 4, 2, 2. Finally you could do a rectangle with side lengths of 5, 5, 1, 1.
A rectangle, or could be a square if lengths are the same.
The perimeter of a rectangle cannot be determined with the area alone as the lengths could vary. For example, the perimeter of the rectangle could be 12 (1 and 5) or 9 (2 and 2.5). For both cases, the area is still 5cm2, but the length can still change to result in different results.
It could be 1 x 10.
Here's something to think about: -- Every rectangle is a parallelogram. There are an infinite number of them. -- There are also an infinite number of more parallelograms that are not rectangles.
You can make a perimeter with side lengths if 3, 3, 3, 3 or you could do a rectangle with side lengths of 4, 4, 2, 2. Finally you could do a rectangle with side lengths of 5, 5, 1, 1.
There is no definite answer to that, as a rectangle that is 153 square metres could have different lengths.
A rectangle, or could be a square if lengths are the same.
because it was estimation, the lengths were different and the rectangles are not the same
Given unchanging lengths of the sides, a triangle cannot change its shape. But given unchanging lengths of the sides of a rectangle, it can change its shape by some force by changing its angle measurements. If a 2d load were put on a rectangle, enough force could squish the rectangle into a parallelogram, whereas a triangle cannot change shape without changing the lengths of its sides or bending its sides out of shape (most likely into a curve).Given these properties, a rectangle can collapse its shape much more easily and is flimsy compared to a triangle.
The perimeter of a rectangle cannot be determined with the area alone as the lengths could vary. For example, the perimeter of the rectangle could be 12 (1 and 5) or 9 (2 and 2.5). For both cases, the area is still 5cm2, but the length can still change to result in different results.
L + W = P/2 = 33.9 cmDimensions could be any two figures which total 33.9 eg 4.5 x 29.4 or 16.9 x 17 etc etc
It would be a rectangle. The lengths of the sides must be such that the length times the width equals 36: So it could be a square with sides 6; or A rectangle with sides 4 and 9; or A rectangle with sides 3 and 13; or A rectangle with sides 2 and 18; or A rectangle with sides 1 and 36; or A rectangle with sides ½ and 72, etc The rectangle can get as thin as you like and would become longer to accommodate the area.
This question is impossible to answer. An area cannot be 34 cm since the latter is a linear measure. Furthermore, the question is under-specified because the shape of the [planar] figure is not specified. Moreover, even if it were specified, eg a rectangle, there are an infinite number of combinations of side lengths which could give a required area.
It could be 1 x 10.
Here's something to think about: -- Every rectangle is a parallelogram. There are an infinite number of them. -- There are also an infinite number of more parallelograms that are not rectangles.
There is not enough information to answer the question. The number of possible answers is infinite. The rectangle could be 15 ft * 16 ft or 12 ft * 20 ft or 10 ft * 24 ft or 8 ft * 30 ft or 6 ft * 40 ft etc and then there are fractional lengths.