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Here's something to think about:

-- Every rectangle is a parallelogram. There are an infinite number of them.

-- There are also an infinite number of more parallelograms that are not rectangles.

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Q: Could a parallelogram that is not a rectangle darw it?
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How does a parallelogram relate to a rectangle?

A rectangle is a parallelogram but a parallelogram is not a rectangle. A rectangle needs all 90 degree angles but a parallelogram dosnt.

How is a parallelogram and a rectangle the same?

A rectangle is a parallelogram but a parallelogram need not be a rectangle and so they are not the same.

Is there a rectangle that is not a parallelogram?

Nope, A rectangle is a type of parallelogram...

Is a parrallelogram a rectangle?

Yes, a rectangle is a special case of a parallelogram, where each of the 4 angles = 90°

How is a parallelogram a rectangle?

A parallelogram is not a rectangle. However, a rectangle is a parallelogram because it has two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel

Is a parallelogram a rectangle also?

A rectangle is a parallelogram, but a parallelogram is not necessarily a rectangle. This is because a parallelogram can be so many other things, like a rhombus or a square.

Why do the parallelogram and the rectangle have the same area?

a parallelogram is a tilted rectangle

What is the difference between a rectangle and a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is slanted. A rectangle is not.

What does a rectangle that is not a parallelogram look like?

A rectangle will always be a parallelogram.

What is a parallelogram quadrilateral with equal sides?

A parallelogram with equal sides is always a rhombus, could be a rectangle, and could also be a square.

Which quadrilateral has one or more of parallel sides?

A trapezium, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square.A trapezium, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square.A trapezium, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square.A trapezium, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square.

Is a rectangle always going to be a parallelogram?

A rectangle is a special case of a parallelogram