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Q: A repeating pattern of plane figures that completely cover a plane with no gaps or overlaps is called?
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A repeating pattern of figures that covers a plane with no gaps or overlaps?

Such a pattern is called a tessellation.

What is a repeating pattern of closed figures that covers a surface with no gaps and no overlaps?

A tesselation

What is a repeating pattern of figures that covers a plane without gaps or overlaps?


A pattern that completely covers a surface with no gaps and overlaps?

i really think its a tesselation

What is a pattern of closed figures that covers a surface with no gaps or overlaps?

Either "tiling" or "tesselation" is the usual term used.

A repetitive pattern of shapes that completely cover a plane without any gaps or overlaps is a?


Is it true you can not tessellate six sides polygon by itself?

No, it is not true that you cannot tessellate a six-sided polygon by itself. Hexagons are a type of polygon that can tessellate, which means they can be arranged in a repeating pattern to completely cover a plane without any gaps or overlaps.

What is a tessalation?

A tessalation is a pattern that has no gaps or overlaps when created.

Why do some shapes tessellate and some don't?

Tessellation is repeating a pattern over and over and filling an area with no overlaps and no gaps. Some shapes can't do this, because they don't fit with themselves without leaving big gaps between the parts.

What is a repeating historical pattern called?

A repeating historical pattern is called"empires".

What are solids that have a repeating crystal pattern?

Solids that have repeating crystal pattern are called Crystalline Solids.

What is the name for a decimal with a remainder that has a repeating pattern?

repeating decimal