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H = H0 + V0 T + 1/2 G T2

H0 = 70 m

V0 = 12 m/s

G = -9.8 m/s2

We want to know ' T ' when H=0 .

0 = 70 + 12 T - 4.9 T2

Quadratic formula:

T = -1/9.8 [ -12 ± sqrt(144 + 1,372) ] =

-1/9.8 [ -12 ± 38.9358 ] =

T = 5.1975 seconds

(T = -2.7486 seconds is also a solution to the math but isn't physically relevant)

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Q: A stone is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 12 meters per second from the edge of a 70 m cliff How much later does it reach the bottom of the cliff?
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